How to Make Diaper Changes Easier

Changing diapers often can be a hassle, but not when you know the right tips. Learn how to make diaper changes easier and less stressful.

How to Make Diaper Changes Easier“You’ll likely change your newborn baby’s diapers 13 times a day,” the childcare instructor announced to the class. My ears perked up. Thirteen times?! I did the math in my head and couldn’t believe just how often I’d be changing diapers.

But that’s exactly where we find ourselves once the baby is born. We’re pulling out yet another diaper, fumbling for wipes in the dark, or dealing with the inevitable rash.

Never mind that changing diapers is often a “learn on the job” task for many of us. Even if we had babysat in the past, nothing compares to changing a diaper day after day, sleep-deprived at that.

Considering how often we change diapers—and for how many years before we ditch them completely—knowing how to make it easier is key.

After three kids, countless messes, and exasperated, “I can’t wait until we potty train!” more than I can count, I’ve learned a few ways to make these diaper changes easier. From one parent to another, take a look at these tips:

1. Face your baby’s legs toward your dominant hand

I would never have thought that the direction your baby faces during a diaper change makes a difference, but boy does it ever.

Nothing is more awkward than trying to change a dirty diaper when you’re fumbling around. Instead, make sure that your baby’s bottom faces your dominant hand, while his head faces the other way.

For instance, I’m left-handed, so my baby’s legs are closer to my left hand, while his head is closer to my right. This simple tweak makes sure you’re able to use your stronger hand to clean the diaper area.

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2. Keep supplies throughout your home

“I have a few changing stations around the house,” my friend told me. “That way, I don’t have to carry the baby all the way upstairs if she needs a diaper change.”

I thought this was brilliant, so when my baby was born, I too decided to have a few changing stations.

By scattering supplies everywhere, you have one less obstacle between you and a fresh diaper. Start by setting up your “main” station, including the changing table, the diaper pail, and most of your supplies, in the room where your baby sleeps.

Then, create mini changing stations in common areas, like the living room or family room. If your baby sleeps in your room, you might add a mini station there. Include essentials like a portable changing mat, a few diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and a small tube of ointment.

3. Have supplies ready before changing diapers

We’ve all been there. We’ve held the baby by the ankles to avoid a messy poop burst, only to realize that the pack of wipes isn’t even opened. Or we’ve carried a wailing child post-bath time around the house, unable to find clean onesies.

It’s always in those moments—the loud, poop-smeared ones—that we can’t seem to find readily-available supplies. So, have all your supplies ready to go before you even need them. For instance, before a diaper change, you might:

  • Pull the wipes out of the pack
  • Open and flatten the clean diaper (with the tabs ready to go)
  • Grab a change of clothes to dress your baby
  • Open the tub of diaper cream
  • Make sure your storage boxes are still full

4. Restock supplies after a diaper change (or coming home)

“I’ll do it later,” says every parent who vows to restock her diaper storage. Except with so many things to think about, we inevitably forget that we’re low on diapers until, of course, we’re scrambling for one.

The best time to restock supplies isn’t before a diaper change, but after one.

Let’s say you notice that you’re down to the last one or two diapers, or that your pack of wipes is getting pretty slim. Once your baby is changed, use that time to restock anything that’s running low. You can also empty and line the trash with a new plastic bag.

You have one less thing to worry about when you finally do need to make the next diaper change.

Another trick is to pack your diaper bag not before you step out of the house, but after you get home from an outing. That way, you can simply leave the house ready to go, instead of packing (or forgetting to pack) on your way out.

Lastly, do an inventory of your supplies in general. Whether cloth diapers or disposables, how are you holding up with supplies? Do you need to do a load of wash or order another box? Plan ahead so you’re not scrambling at the last minute.

5. Make diaper changes engaging

With so many diaper changes throughout the day (13 times, remember?), it’s easy to treat this task as simply that: a task to finish and get done with. Our minds are already on the next thing to do, and we end up shuffling our babies from one activity to the next.

But what if we treat diaper changes not merely as a chore, but as an opportunity to bond and connect?

These frequent diaper changes could be just what you need to slow down, smile, and talk to your baby as you change his diaper. Hold real conversations, despite his inability to respond with words. Describe what you’re doing and ask questions, allowing your face and tone of voice to do most of the “talking.”

And make diaper changes fun! Maybe you’ll sing songs like, “Put your right leg in…” as you put on his pants. Or create games like ” fast and slow,” speeding up and slowing down your actions. Maybe you simply tickle and blow raspberries on his belly.

Is he extra squirmy? Hang a mobile or hand him a special toy that he only gets to play with during diaper changes as a simple distraction. With a shift in perspective, diaper changes don’t have to be the dreaded, messy chore, but another chance to slow your pace and enjoy your baby’s company.


As often as we change diapers throughout the day, these tips can help make those frequent tasks much easier.

Start by making sure your baby’s legs face your dominant hand for efficient changing. Keep supplies throughout your home with mini changing stations, and have them ready to go before you start changing his diaper.

Post-diaper changes and returning home from an outing are perfect times to restock your supplies. And finally, use these moments as opportunities to engage and talk to your baby, turning a once-dreaded task into a chance to bond.

Yes, even if that means doing it 13 times a day.

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  1. Christina says:

    These tips are sooo helpful. I will definitely be trying these. My son is a year and a half now. And diaper changes can be so stressful because he kicks and rolls and tries to get loose. He hates getting his diaper changed most times. Unless I’m singing a song or making it fun! I do some of these already. But the one I am most excited to try is facing his bottom toward my dominant hand. Going to give that a try this morning!

    1. Nina Garcia says:

      Awesome, great to hear that, Christina! Yes, definitely give it a try. Diaper changes can be rough, especially as our babies grow. Hopefully you have some luck!